Ghost Mark by JP McLean

And off we go with the second book in the "Dark Dreams Series", and if you are new to it do check out our review on the amazing first book, Blood Mark that will set the stage for this original and thrilling series by JP McLean. With the last scene of book one still in... Continue Reading →

SW Tips for Writers Series #3

Here are some cool tips for writers: 1- Use #s Never underestimate the power of a hastag, tag, or link. Use key words, generic that people do search. Twitter, tells you how many times a certain hashtag was used. That can come in handy to know what people are searching. 2- Know your crowd This... Continue Reading →

Editors VS Apps

Although the title suggests a showdown, this is a settled debate. Editors will never be replaced by Editing Apps, and I will let you know why. Why Editing Apps will never replace editors: Reason #1- Context This is the crucial difference between great Editors and apps.Of course! Yes. Editing apps will get grammatical and spelling... Continue Reading →

New Year’s Reads

Looking for books to inspire you start off the New Year on the right foot, full of inspiration? Well, we got JUST the book recommendations for you! 1- A Season in Lights by Gregory E. Phillips is a sublime romance about a ballerina and a pianist in NYC and thier carreers, how they met and... Continue Reading →

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