The Woodcutter by Stephanie Ellis

With an enticing title, the award-winning author Stephanie Ellis, is back with another story that involves, as usual, unusual elements to bring terror to you. This time, we have a wood cabin, dark woods, a weird town with weird people, an absurd request and a looming promise of blood. If you love suspenseful books, then... Continue Reading →

Cry Wolf by Edo Van Belkom

Ah, yes, a school dance, the perfect place for shy boys and girls in their early teens. The perfect place for bullies to try to humiliate you in front of the school and give you great memories about it. Cool right? Oh yeah, but if you think that you will be relaxed for long then... Continue Reading →

Rise of Dresca by Tim McKay

Rise of Dresca takes place in a world where there is a struggle for independence and a powerful invasion leads to the collision of a nation. This book had me hooked from the first page itself. The first fifty pages reminded me of one of my favorite scenes of Harry Potter, where Harry is stuck... Continue Reading →

Shapes of Wrath by Melissa Yi

Shapes of Wrath is unique in that it was simultaneously refreshing and nostalgic. Given that the human body is one of the most mysterious topics, it is no surprise that mysteries often use the medical field as a setting for their plot. This is where the nostalgia comes in. While reading this book, I found... Continue Reading →

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